So, the official bandaid count for the day was three. My hands are riddled with splinters and now, they are also covered in black in. Progress was slow the first day up here in Bucks County - 3 hours in Home Depot trying to find the straightest wood possible, a stretch it seems.
Got everything up here to the gallery on Wednesday, and yesterday with the amazing help of Justin and Jim the staff here at Bucks, we cut almost all the wood in the woodshop and got started with the installation. Things are starting to get exciting, the kissing booth is fabulous. Now, 12 hours later - I guess technically it is almost Thursday, we are in the print studio prepping the signage that will go on each booth - that's a photo booth, 2 telephone booths and a kissing booth. The flooring for the kissing booth is my favorite, I ordered it from Greenable, an environmentally conscious home building supplier in Philadelphia. It is gorgeous, old school linoleum, red...and with the wonderful little nails to hold it down, kind of looks like upholstery.
Now, here we are - tired, and Manuel is here from DC to print the signs, which are also structural pieces, so we need them in order to continue construction. Here, I'm going to post a video of the works in progress - warning - this is spoiler footage, don't watch if you would like to be surprised - and it is raw, unedited footage from the flip video camera, literally taken 20 minutes ago. (I love technology).
Play nice, be kind and always say thank you (I should follow my own advice).
sweet dreams,
Hey check out this printing video - hit the play button!